Top 5 Berlin - Edition 1
by Ian Moss
Ok, so Berlin is a big place. And it can be confusing to figure out those startups and brands that are on the rise. I’m going to collaborate with various established people to do a regular blog series on “Top 5 Berlin”. This is the first. I will collaborate with Wilhelm for it.
Who is Ian: I moved to Berlin because I knew a little French(!), and I enjoyed the buzz around the tech-scene. I stayed for the lakes & Summer. I’m a technology consultant that loves innovation, and as a failed startup founder, I can help you with software implementation, product management, mentoring, and community building. Ian on LinkedIn.
Who is Wilhelm: At one point during the COVID lockdown, it felt like we were the people in all the Berlin-based online networking events. We are both now happy that in person is back though. Wilhelm: “I’m passionate about tech and business, since 2013, mainly based in Berlin. I’m mentor for startups and I manage programs, give talks, and organise events related to innovation and entrepreneurship since 2007.” Say 'hola' over on twitter.
Our Top 5 For Berlin At This Moment.
From Ian: Wonder
Wonder - raised 12 million during the COVID-era, and have continued to evolve their networking / remote meetup tool, with great audio. Unlike zoom, it allows a genuine networking to occur in an online meetup setting, and has easy to use 2d navigation system. I'm impressed with their employee handbook and loved how you could just drop into their own company using it during the day. I wonder if they can also include hybrid meetup features?
See more at
From Wilhelm: Neo Carbon
Recently raised a seed round of 1.27 million euros. They offer a system for cooling towers that is able to capture CO2, retrofitting those towers retrofitting those towers, to remove the carbon dioxide from all this air at very low additional cost. A specific solution, but solving with technology a problem, and using existing infrastructures.
From Ian: infarm
Infarm are an established startup producing microgreens and other food under artificial light, without soil. We often see them in Edeke and other supermarkets. They’ve expanded into other markets outside Germany, and it is going to be very interesting to see how their product range increases. Perhaps this is the key to growing fresh produce in Winter? They recently raised $200 million dollars, and have a valuation over 1 billion. Impressive.
From Wilhelm: Mineko
A startup focused on the right calculation of “Nebenkosten” (Those “extra costs” that get added each year when you rent in Berlin) It’s solving a problem for many tenants and also landlords. In the website you can do your own calculations, that is a very smart way to feed their database. They have a mix of AI, “detective work” and knowledge from the market.
Read more about them here:
From Ian: Mister Balcony
Discovered at an awesome MotionLab.Berlin presentation, we were very impressed with the ease of use of Mister Balcony’s product, and the competence of their founder, as well as the traction they’ve received from their viral TikTok video of the solar panels being installed on a balcony. Their claim is that it will reduce your daytime electricity bill by 20%. Useful for those that cannot put solar on the roof! One to watch next Spring in Germany, and maybe elsewhere further south this Winter.
More at:
Ok, thanks for your time. This has been the first in a series. Hopefully it's introduced you to a couple of companies you've not heard of before.
We've a couple more of these Top 5's scheduled, but if you'd like to get involved with your knowledge and thoughts, then we really like diverse opinions. Just shout on twitter.
See you next time,
Ian, and Wilhelm.